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Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Skills Post 3- Compare and contrast

          I'm pretty sure that almost everyone would agree that a good camp has to satisfy the students who go there. But a camp can't fit all of the needs. It will have some disadvantages. What I'm looking for is that I can study what I want, and have fun activities. If you look at both Camp Big Apple and Camp Ranch West, they both have similarities and differences.
          Both camps are help overseas. Parents don't come along, and they both have outdoor activities. But there are two reasons why I like Ranch West Camp better than Camp Big Apple.
          First, there are differences between the teachers. On the one hand, Camp Big Apple has Korean professors with a Master's Degree. On the other hand, Ranch West Camp has native speakers as teachers. I believe that native speakers would be better as teachers because they are very comfortable in speaking English to other people. Compared to Korean professors, who have a weird pronounciation, and is not that comfortable in speaking English than native speakers.
          Second, there are differences between the outdoor activities. Ranch West Camp has activities such as mountain biking, river rafting, and hiking. However, Camp Big Apple has these boring activities, where you go out to Broadway to see Broadway shows, go to museums, etc. How boring does that sound? Now I would pick Ranch West Camp in a heartbeat by just reading this paragraph.
          In conclusion, I believe that Ranch West Camp is a better camp to go to than Camp Big Apple because of two reasons. One, because Ranch West Cam has  better teachers. Two, Ranch West Camp has more fun outdoor activities. I recommend that you should go to Ranch West Camp.

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