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Thursday, August 18, 2011

final post in GLPS

hello this is daniel coming from the last class of glps. i think that its been great. i think that it was fun staying here, and i qwill keep posting on my blog. well, bye

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Skills Post 3- Compare and contrast

          I'm pretty sure that almost everyone would agree that a good camp has to satisfy the students who go there. But a camp can't fit all of the needs. It will have some disadvantages. What I'm looking for is that I can study what I want, and have fun activities. If you look at both Camp Big Apple and Camp Ranch West, they both have similarities and differences.
          Both camps are help overseas. Parents don't come along, and they both have outdoor activities. But there are two reasons why I like Ranch West Camp better than Camp Big Apple.
          First, there are differences between the teachers. On the one hand, Camp Big Apple has Korean professors with a Master's Degree. On the other hand, Ranch West Camp has native speakers as teachers. I believe that native speakers would be better as teachers because they are very comfortable in speaking English to other people. Compared to Korean professors, who have a weird pronounciation, and is not that comfortable in speaking English than native speakers.
          Second, there are differences between the outdoor activities. Ranch West Camp has activities such as mountain biking, river rafting, and hiking. However, Camp Big Apple has these boring activities, where you go out to Broadway to see Broadway shows, go to museums, etc. How boring does that sound? Now I would pick Ranch West Camp in a heartbeat by just reading this paragraph.
          In conclusion, I believe that Ranch West Camp is a better camp to go to than Camp Big Apple because of two reasons. One, because Ranch West Cam has  better teachers. Two, Ranch West Camp has more fun outdoor activities. I recommend that you should go to Ranch West Camp.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

cheating in soccer

Can you believe this?

I can't believe it! you know that in the U-20 World Cup, Korea lost to Spain in the penalty kicks, but do you see this picture? this was a Korean player that was on the ground because he was hurt. What I didn't know was that he got hit with a laser! According to the Internet,  a laser attack can make you not see for 2 to 3 seconds, but if the effects were devastating, you might even lose your eye sights!!! I can't believe that an audience would cheat like that!! Also, there was another one when Korea was going against Columbia, and an audience member shot a laser at the goal keeper of Korea, so the cgoal keeper would not be able to see. that is why the goal keeper let a ridiculous goal in!!! I can't believe this!!!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Skills Post 2- summarizing and paraphrasing

Two Animal Attacks
 1. Summarize-Shark Attacks
People have this fear when they go to swimming that they are going to get attacked by sharks. However, there is more chance of getting struck by lightning! And even if you get attacked by a shark, there is only little chance that an attack is going to be fatal. Also, you are more likely to drown than get attacked by sharks when swimming. But if you want to reduce the risks of shark attacks, you can travel in groups or stay out of water when you are bleeding.

2. Paraphrase-Bear Attacks
(original paragraph) Traveling in groups is one way to reduce the chances. Bears are very unlikely to attack groups of four or more people. Also, stay calm if you run into a bear. Bears are much more likely to attack if you try to run away.
(paraphrased paragraph) A method to lower the chances of getting attacked, you can stay with other people. There is a very low chance that the bears will attack a bunch of people more than 4. Plus, don't panic if you meet a bear. There is a very high chance that the bears will attack you if you panic and run away.

3. Summarize(Percy Jackson and the Olympians: The Lightning Thief)
Percy Jackson was a kid with ADHD attending Yancy Academy middle school until when he found out that his best friend Grover, is a satyr, and he is the son of Poseidon. He reaches this camp, where all the kids of the gods stay and train under a centaur called Chiron. But Percy has to go on a quest, where he has to retrieve the lightning bolt of Zeus by Summer Solstice because if he doesn't, a huge war would break out. So, he goes, and finds that Ares stole the lightning bolt, and fights him with his sword, Riptide. He finally defeats Ares, retrieves the sword, and goes to Olympus, which is currently located on the 600th floor of the Empire State Building. He gives the lightning bolt to Zeus, which apologizes for accusing the wrong thief.

4. Paraphrase(An article about the baseball team Doosan Bears)
(original paragraph)Doosan Bears performed a great feat by winning the Korean Series in 1982, the first year of pro baseball in Korea (KBL), and helped stimulate interest in the game of baseball.
The club, thanks to its formidable tenacity and perseverance, repeated its success by becoming champions again in 1995 and 2001.In addition, Doosan Bears continued to play in the post seasons in the 2000s, constantly maintaining its stature and tradition as a prestigious ball club.
(paraphased paragraph)In the first year of of the Korean Baseball League(KBL), the Doosan Bears won the very first Korean series. After that, they continued their glory when they became winners of it again in 1995 and 2001. they still played in the post seasons of the new century, and maintaining their honorable reputation as a pretigious baseball club.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Fun Post 5 - Korean Baseball League

This Fun Post is about the Korean Baseball 2011.
Currently, the ranking in the Korean Baseball 2011 is:
1. Samsung Lions
2. KIA Tigers
3. SK Wyverns
4. Lotte Giants
5. LG Twins
6. Doosan Bears
7. Hanwha Eagles
8. Nexen Heroes

The ranking for the average points given(pitcher) is
1. Yun Seok Min- KIA Tigers
2. Nipert-Doosan Bears
3. Lopez-KIA Tigers
4. Glober-SK Wyverns
5. Yun Seong Hwan-Samsung Lions

The ranking for the average hitting percentage(hitter) is
1. Lee yong Gyu-KIA Tigers
2. Lee Dae-Ho-Lotte Giants
3. Lee Byung Gyu-LG Twins
4. Son Ah sup-Lotte Giants
5. Jung Seong Hoon-LG Twins

If you look at the overall score of all of the records, KIA Tigers rank #1in the league. They have the pitcher with the least average points given, the hitter that has the highest average percentage, and they rank #2. but since Samsung Lions, which rank #1 in the league, only has a pitcher in the Top 5 pitchers, and no hitters in the Top 5 hitters. KIA Tigers used to rank #6 in the start of the league, and Doosan Bears used to rank #2 in the league. But as the season went on, KIA Tigers started winning all their games, and Doosan Bears started to lose all of their games. As a result, KIA Tigers rank #2, and Doosan Bears rank #6. Even though I love both teams, I wish that KIA Tigers would go into a slump, and Doosan Bears suddenly win all of their games and go back to be ranking #2 because I like Doosan way better than KIA, and KIA is doing too good recently. Also, the ace of the Doosan Bears, Kim Seon Ooh, could not do a good job at pitching, and the ace of KIA Tigers, Yun Seok Min, is doing such a good job at pitching. So, that is why KIA is winning all of their games, and Doosan is losing most of their games.
Now, I will post all of the pictures of the teams of the league.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

hello I am Daniel, and something's wrong with my blog!!!

Here's a picture of Mario and Luigi in the game Super Paper Mario. Don't they look funny?

What the World Eats

     This is a picture of a family called the Revis in South Carolina. They have many things to eat in their house, and they all look delicious!!! I want to eat them so badly, because this is the last period before lunch, and I love  those food. There are foods such as fastfoods, snacks, regular foods, and drinks.
     First, I will talk about the fastfoods there. The main thing that you notice is the two pizzas that they are holding in the picture. One of them is combination, and the other is peperoni. I think that they are both delicious, but cheese is more delicious. Also, there is something that looks like a hot dog on the table. I like hot dogs when I'm hungry, but I don't eat them that often. There is also tacos next to the hot dogs. Tacos are a traditional Mexican food that is known for its varieties of ingredients.
     Second, I will  talk about the chips that are there. there are Lays. Lays are like Poca chips in Korea, except that they have more varieties and they are based in U.S. Also, I see some Twizzlers, which are a brand of  licorish, which are very delicious if you suck on it. There are even many Pringles. Pringles are very delicious, and they are based in England. They have different kinds of flavors, such as barbecue, sour cream&onion, original, and many more.
     Thirdly, I will explain about the normal foods on the table. I see some hams, which are very delicious, by the way. Also, I see some cheese, which are good when put on pizza or in Ramen. Also, I see mayonese, radish sauce, and many more.
     Lastly, I will talk about the drinks that are layed on the table. There are drinks such as Coca Cola, Burger King soda, Sprite, Mountain Dew, and other fruit drinks such as grape juice, orange juice, and apple juice. Coca-Cola is a very big company that made Sprite, Fanta, and coke. Mountain Dew is a drink made from the company, Pepsi, which is also another soda company that makes soda.
     I feel that all those food are delicious, but they are very unhealthy, and you shouldn't eat a lot of them. Still, they taste very good, and I want to eat them badly.

Mario games

I like mario games. I love super smash bros brawl, I like Mario Party, I love Mario Kart and New Super Mario Bros especially. All these games involve Mario and Luigi doing something, such as going on an adventure, or racing against each other in a kart race. Also, some battle against each other. For example, in the game Super Smash Bros Brawl, the characters either battle against each other or complete a quest. I think that these are very fun. That is why I like Mario games.

Fun Post 1-Doosan Bears

I love the team Doosan Bears. They are one of the two teams that are based in Seoul. I think that they are better than LG because they have better players such as Kim Hyun-Soo, and Nipert, and Oh Jae-won. But they are in 6th place right now because they don't have a  good coach. If the Doosan Bears had a better coach, they could've been in 1st place already, considering their player's abilities. I wish that Doosan Bears would beat Lotte and LG to the semi-finals. GO DOOSAN!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

chain writing

There oce was a princess murderer named Cinderella. He was very mean. So he did't have ay friends around him. And he forced a princess to marry him, but the pricess didn't want to. so the princess tried to make him go crazy. She went ito Cinderella's house and loud noises were heard. The murderer became crazy, and forgot his job to murder the princess. Instead, he stabbed himself with a sword. Then his guts started coming out of his mouth, and turned into a zombie. The princess suddenly had an urge to turn into a zombie, too, so she got bitten. The zombie virus had started, and there were only 1500 survivors left in the world. It was like the real version of the movie, "Zombieland". But after, there were only 1000 survivors left. the zombies had formed a network. the survivors were declining. 1000 to 500, 500 to 250, 250 to 125, ...... And fially , there were only 10 survivors left. Then , only one was left. That one survivor died, too.
Good story, eh?


Tuesday, August 2, 2011

skills post 1

Camp Big Apple  V.S.  Camp Ranch West

   I'm pretty sure that almost everybody would agree that a good camp has to satisfy the students that go there. If a camp fits everyone of the students' needs, it would be a very good camp. But, camps can't fit all of the needs, and will have some disadvantages.If you look at both camp Big Apple and Camp Ranch West, they have similarities and differences. I think that the differences are the things that matter because similarities mean that both camps have it. My need is that i can have some freedom in studying, and have occusional fun activities.
     There are some similarities between 'Camp Ranch West and Camp Big Apple. They both are overseas, and their families don't come along. They are more than  3 weeks long, and They both have outdoor activities.
     Camp Ranch West has a better environment for studying than Camp Big Apple. Compared to Camp Ranch West, which has native speakers as teachers, I feel that Camp Ranch West is a much better camp for me than Camp Big Apple. Even though all the teachers at Camp Big Apple are Korean professors with a Masters degree or a doctorate degree, they are not native speakers. I feel that native speakers are better than Korean professors because they have a much better pronounciation, and they've used english in real life. Also, Camp Ranch West lets students choose the subjects that they want to study, so that fits my need of freedom in studying. Therefore, that is a reason why I believe Camp Ranch West is better than Camp Big Apple.
     A possible disadvantage of Camp Ranch West is that their outdoor activities are dangerous, such as mountain biking, hiking, and river rafting. But I think that those activities are fun, even though they are dangerous. I would like to try new things at camp. Camp Big Apple has outdoor activities such as going to watch Broadway shows, and taking a trip to the London Museum. However, I believe that those activities are boring. You can see Broadway Shows on TV, and what would be different from a museum in London and a museum in Seoul? But you can't go mountain biking or river rafting near Seoul. I would like to experience things that I can't do near my house. This is another reason why I believe Camp Ranch West is better.
   So, in conclusion, I believe that Camp Ranch West suits me better than Camp Big Apple for two reasons: One, it has native speakers as teachers. Two, the disadvantages are actually advantages towards me in Camp Ranch West. And lastly, I can experience things that I can't near my house.